Freedom in Healing
Freedom in Healing
The Black Women's Mental Health Institute is proud to present a teaser for Freedom in Healing. This upcoming documentary is an Undercover Entertainment production that features the powerful stories of 4 suicide attempt survivors. This film highlights the unique and interlocking challenges of suicide in Black women and girls. The film features the stories of:
T-Kea Blackmon - Executive Director and Co-Founder - Black People Die By Suicide Too
Dr. Ashley Nash - Author and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Empress Tiffany Elliott, LMFT - Clinical Director of Remote Supervision - Black Women's Mental Health Institute
Romel Williams - Author - Improbable: From Tragedies to Triumphs
This film is directed by Bruce Nix (Undercover Entertainment) and produced by Dr. Nadia Monique Johnson (Black Women's Mental Health Institute) and Bruce Nix.
The full documentary is set to premiere in September 2025 in recognition of Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month.
Check out these powerful books about suicide and survival. Both authors are featured in the documentary ‘Freedom in Healing’.
All book proceeds support the work of the Black Women’s Mental Health Institute.
Freedom in Healing captures the stories of 4 suicide attempt survivors. The Black Women's Mental Health Institute teamed up with artistic photographer, Dokk Savage, to capture powerful portraits of each of the ladies featured in the film. Elegant Grace uses shadows, light and portraits to tell the stories of sadness, despair, survival and perseverance.
Click below to view full portrait exhibit.
Suicide has been recognized as a major public health issue by the National Institutes of Health. While there is no single contributing cause or factor that leads to suicide, research shows us that an increase in awareness and connection to systems of support can have a positive impact for individuals living with suicidal thoughts.
No More Martyrs launched Sister Speak in an effort to build awareness of the signs of suicide as well as offer support for Black women managing suicidal thoughts.
The first stage of Sister Speak is building awareness.
Click the links below to download and share Sister Support material. Stay tuned for more from Sister Speak.